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Donors Clubs

The EVZ can count on the valuable and generous support of the following six patrons' associations. Thank you very much!


Wings ensures that the EVZ is and remains networked with active minds from business and society. And is thus stimulated with new ideas and innovations. Wings members are not gray eminences. They are committed. But not only materially. They provide the EVZ with a platform for dialog. The club should know that there are personalities in the background who stand by its side and are willing to support it.

President: Michael Fischer

club 111

Thrilling ice hockey, stimulating company - valuable support. Club 111 is a donors' association of the EVZ. Personalities from Zug's economy, culture and politics support the EVZ and its young talent financially. Club members experience all home games up close and make interesting contacts in an exclusive and exciting environment. Healthy ambitions, spirited performances - positive impulses.

Together, we create a solid basis for sporting success, which brings the entire Zug region forward. We support the EVZ with our annual contributions, 20% of which is used directly to promote young talent. In this way, Club 111 also makes an important social contribution to the youth of the region.

President: Reto Schürmann


Our aim is to support the EVZ financially and to foster and promote cohesion and camaraderie among the club members. The cooperation and support goes beyond the financial commitment. The EVZ can benefit from the large and broad-based network of EVZ Kristall-Club members, for example in the area of sponsorship or by participating in events.

In addition to predictable financial support, our association offers the opportunity to cultivate and promote contacts, establish and maintain relationships, make personal introductions and present your own company at social and sporting events and monthly lunches. We offer our members various benefits and events throughout the year, such as: season ticket with a seat in the VIP sector, access to the Legends Club (exclusive VIP area), meet & greet with the EVZ crew and team, special events such as Gala, Crystal Night, Golf Trophy, Luncheons, etc.

President: Yves Neupert

club 78

Club 78 is the first and oldest patrons' association of the Zug Ice Sports Club. It was founded in 1978 as a loose association of patrons from the business world and politics, with the aim of supporting the club financially with at least CHF 1000 per year and EV Zug, while at the same time promoting relationships between the members.

Today - without a business or political background - the annual contribution remains unchanged at CHF 1000, 80% of which goes to the EVZ's young talent. In the spirit of the founding fathers, the patrons are committed to the EVZ organization and use the club level for their common interests as well as for social exchange. They maintain contact at aperitifs, at the monthly lunches at the Gasthaus Rathauskeller Zug, with guests from the EVZ or ice hockey scene, at home or away games, at varied events such as company tours of a club member or an EVZ sponsor. At home games, Club 78 is granted VIP access to the Legends Club, with a reserved bar table. Membership of Club 78 is definitely an enrichment!

President: Bernhard Hasenmaile

club 555

The purpose of Club 555 is to support the EVZ financially and to promote and foster camaraderie and cohesion among club members. At least 80% of the membership income flows into the EVZ treasury. 30% of this must be used specifically for the interests of the junior team. We support young talent so that the EVZ's share capital has a solid basis and because our youth is important to us.

President: Wädi Schneiter

L!ne Up 2023

L!ne Up 2023 is the first patrons' association for the EVZ Women and Girls program and supports the new movement out of conviction and passion. At least 85% of the membership income flows into the EVZ Women and Girls program.

In addition to financial support, the initiators also promote cohesion and camaraderie among the club members of the L!ne Up 2023 association through various events.

President: Simon Jufer

General sponsor
Zuger Kantonalbank
Main sponsors
Binelli Group