The EVZ can count on the support of 13 official fan clubs. The Herti Nordkurve Zug association serves as the umbrella organization for the Zug fan curve. Together for blue and white!

Club Herti Nordkurve Zug (HNK)
Umbrella organization of the Zug fan curve: In summer 2021, the Herti Nordkurve Zug (HNK) association was founded as an umbrella organization for the Zug fan scene. The aim is to coordinate and improve communication between the fan clubs, fan groups and the EVZ.
The HNK Zug organizes and finances events and projects for EVZ fans. Examples of this are Fan choreographies, car trips to away games, regular round tables, extra trains, sale of fan merchandise, etc.

fanclub zug
The EVZ Fan Club Zug was founded in 1980 in Steinhausen. The purpose of the fan club is to support the first team and the EVZ junior team, to travel to away games together and to foster camaraderie among ice hockey fans.
Activities: Bowling, mini golf, ice hockey games, Europapark Rust, boat lunch
Number of members: 360
Membership fee: Family: 50.-, adults: 30.-, youths: 20.-
Contact: Rolf Amstutz, President

Red - Fox
The fan club "Red Fox" was founded in 1992. The purpose of the club is to support our EVZ loudly at the games and to maintain good camaraderie among the club members throughout the year.
Activities: Barbecue, mini golf, bowling
Number of members: 70
Contact: EVZ Fanclub Red-Fox, 6422 Steinen, Sonja Pfister, President

Black Scorpion
The Black Scorpion fan club was founded in 1993 and is based in the Küssnacht region.
Activities: Barbecue, ice hockey games, fan club outing
Number of members: 35-40
Contact: Tobias Schuler

Pirates Nidwalden
The idea of this fan club is that we support the EVZ in its games and we meet for socializing on or off the ice.
Contact: Michaela Niederberger, President

Pilatus Luzern
On May 25, 1994, the Pilatus Lucerne fan club was founded in the Wichlern restaurant in Kriens. Members were recruited with great enthusiasm, meeting after meeting was scheduled, patches were produced and a 4.25 m2 flag was made. Thanks to new members, patrons and patch sales, the club was already in the black at the first official AGM in May 1994, which was held in the riding hall in Eschenbach. As a result, contacts were sought with other fan clubs and friendships were forged with the Glärnisch fan club and a fan club in Lausanne (Section North Vaudoise).
Activities: Bowling, Jass tournament, summer activities, discussions during field hockey games, participation in the skateathon
Active members: 55-65

Der 7.Mann - Herti Nordkurve
The fan club "der 7. Mann - Herti Nordkurve" was officially founded in the fall of 1998, before that it had already existed unofficially for one or two years as an "action committee". The reason for this was that the founders wanted to set themselves apart from the existing fan clubs, as they considered them to be somewhat outdated and sluggish. The aim of the action committee was to combat the doldrums that they felt prevailed at the time. They got new timpani and one of the members supported the fan songs with the trumpet. In addition, many conversations were held in an attempt to get people to participate more actively again. It can be said that the 7th men were one of the leading fan clubs in terms of atmosphere for a number of years. In the meantime, the members have grown a little older and they leave the younger generation in charge of firing up the atmosphere. Nevertheless, we still try to do our bit to support the EVZ. In addition to attending the games, some members also help out as officials or are on hand when helpers are needed.
Activities: Bowling evening, barbecue, dinghy trips
Number of members: 25

Arth - Goldau
The EVZ Fan Club Arth-Schwyz section was founded at the beginning of the 1987/88 season. As the fan community shifted towards Arth-Goldau over the years, the board decided to change the name to EVZ Fanclub Arth-Goldau. With the blue fan club jackets, among other things in the first row of seats above the stand-up ramp, most people have probably already noticed us. In addition to the home games, we attend an away game together every season. In addition, the traditional Fondü-Plausch, summer barbecue event with family and the reintroduced Rigi-Weekend at the end of the season take place every season.
Activities: Fondue fun, barbecue, Rig

The EVZ Fan Club Bündnerland, founded in Chur in 2000, consists of around 40 Grisons and homesick fans who support the EVZ in good times and bad. In order to achieve this goal, members are not afraid to travel all over Europe and even the world, or even just to travel 3 hours for a home game. We can be found at all home games on the side of the standing ramp next to the guest player entrance next to our colleagues from the Red Fox Fan Club. The annual club highlights certainly include the AGM in Chur followed by a drink or the "Schiffszmorge" on the beautiful Lake Zug.
Activities: AGM in Chur, "Schiffszmorge", CHL and away trips
Number of members: 40

Crazy - Hornets
In 1991, a few passionate ice hockey fans founded the former EVZ fan club March-Höfe. Since our anniversary in 2001, we have been operating under the name Crazy Hornets. Our fan club thrives on collegiality and the friendships that have developed over the years. Our aim is to unite all EVZ fans from March and Höfe.
Activities: AGM, barbecue, summer event
Number of members: 50-60

Blue Boys
A number of young Engelberg fans have been following the EVZ for several years and regularly attend home and away games of the first team. In 2013, the EVZ fan club "Blue Boys" was founded in the legendary "Spindle" in Engelberg.
Activities: joint trips to home and away games, AGM on August 1, regular meetings of members for other activities
Number of members: 20
Contact: President, Stefan Christen

A cozy get-together before, during and after EVZ matches. One away match per season is attended together. Further events are organized during the season / year. These are often linked to home games during the season.
Number of members: 12
Contact: President, Dülgeroglu Michael
Reto Graf and his team look forward to hearing from you with constructive suggestions, questions, praise and criticism.