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«My EVZ» is the new fan area for everyone whose heart beats #fürblauundwiis! Here you will find direct access to all EVZ services - app, fan store, ticket store, forum and more!

My EVZ App

Do you already have a login?
We are happy to hear that!

Then you can login here and get started! Simply use your previous login, it will continue to work.

Register to become a part of «My EVZ»!

Would you like to benefit from various advantages? Click on the button and then on «Register now» at the bottom right.

The «My EVZ» area, which replaces the «EVZ Login», will give fans centralized access to all EVZ services, i.e. it will go beyond a classic login in future. The existing EVZ login (single sign-on solution) will therefore remain in place and will continue under the name «My EVZ». The My EVZ login can therefore still be used to log in to the website, the app, the fan store, the ticket store, the marketplace or the fan forum.

Do I have to create a new login for My EVZ?

No, if you already have an EVZ login, it will remain the same and will simply be called My EVZ Login. If you don’t have a login yet, we recommend that you create a new My EVZ login so that you can take advantage of all the benefits of the digital EVZ platforms.

Can I also log in to the Tickets app with my My EVZ login?

No, the Tickets app is not yet linked to the My EVZ login. There are technical reasons for this, which make a connection very complex at the moment and this effort simply does not yet justify the added value. However, the vast majority of fans use the same e-mail address for the Tickets app as for the My EVZ login, which has not led to any problems to date.

In the near future, My EVZ will make all important information, personalized and exclusive content accessible and available in one place via both the website and the new fan app. The area will be successively expanded after the launch of the new platform and supplemented with additional functions and services. In the future, there will also be a loyalty program where you can collect points by visiting games, taking part in votes or quizzes or making purchases and receive great benefits in return.

See you soon in the «My EVZ» fan area and have fun already!

General sponsor
Zuger Kantonalbank
Main sponsors
Binelli Group