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General Terms and Conditions

The General Terms and Conditions set out the legal framework for the use of our services. We ask you to read them carefully, as they form the basis for the contractual relationship between you and us. By using our offers, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

General Terms and Conditions - Ticketing

Event visitors accept the following terms and conditions as the basis for attending an event organized by EVZ or its companies EVZ Sport AG, EVZ Gastro AG and The Hockey Academy AG.

1. By purchasing a ticket and/or entering the BOSSARD Arena once, visitors to the event accept the following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of the ECC and acknowledge that they may be excluded from the event without compensation if they fail to comply with these conditions.

2. The EVZ reserves the right to request proof of identity (e.g. ID, ticket, foreigner's identity card, etc.) upon admission to the BOSSARD Arena in the case of discounted tickets. Children under the age of 6 may only enter the BOSSARD Arena if accompanied by an adult. 

3. Print@home and e-tickets are checked with a scanner at the entrance to the event. If the access code on the tickets cannot be read by the electronic access system or the access code is not recognizable, there is no entitlement to admission to the event. If event visitors are turned away for this reason, there is no entitlement to a refund of the ticket price paid. The first holder of a Print@home or e-ticket will be admitted to the event, after which the ticket will be blocked for further admissions. Copying, altering or imitating tickets is prohibited. Tickets must be protected from dirt and damage. Any infringement will be punished, reported to the police and prosecuted under civil law.

4. Admission to EVZ events is only permitted with a valid ID (ticket, subscription). Admission is one-off. If you leave the BOSSARD Arena early during a game or an event, your ticket loses its validity. Tickets are valid for the sectors and seats of the arena printed on them, must be kept until the end of the respective event and must be presented to security staff at any time on request.

5. Upon entering the BOSSARD Arena, spectators may be searched for prohibited items by persons of the same sex, including under their clothing, without any specific suspicion (visitation). The identity of spectators entering the BOSSARD Arena can also be checked and recorded without concrete suspicion. For this purpose, both the face and the identity card (official identification document such as ID, driver's license, foreigner's identity card, etc.) are photographed. The data recorded in this way is used to compare the identity with any entries in the HOOGAN information system and for the purpose of any criminal prosecution. In the event of refusal of visitation and/or identity recording, access to the BOSSARD Arena will be refused without compensation.

6. Visitors to the event undertake to strictly observe all safety and implementation regulations and all instructions in this regard that are communicated in writing or verbally by security personnel before, during or after the event.

7. Taking and leaving the seats is only permitted during intermissions. Tickets may not be returned or exchanged. Lost or misplaced tickets will not be replaced. If the event is postponed, the ticket is automatically valid for the postponed date. If a match is canceled (light failure, fog, etc.) and must subsequently be rescheduled, the ticket purchased remains valid for the replacement event. No further claims for damages can be asserted. If the rescheduled match is played in camera (e.g. in the event of a hooliganism injunction), the tickets expire and no claims for damages can be made. 

8. Event visitors are filmed in the BOSSARD Arena by video surveillance for security reasons. Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the BOSSARD Arena, with the exception of the designated and marked outdoor areas. The bringing and use of glass containers, PET bottles, cans, any weapons, weapon-like objects, all fireworks, firecrackers, pyrotechnic objects and laser devices is strictly prohibited. Such items will be confiscated and destroyed. The bringing and use of megaphones and flags is only permitted under strict conditions. Throwing objects onto the ice surface is prohibited and will be punished. Any violation of the organizer's regulations may be sanctioned with exclusion from the event without compensation and a possible stadium ban. In addition, violations may result in a complaint being filed with the competent court. For any misconduct that violates the stadium regulations or leads to the issuing of a stadium ban, the person concerned will be charged a flat-rate administration fee of CHF 350. The organizer also reserves the right to charge any fines imposed for violations and the associated costs directly to the offending persons, whereby several offending persons are jointly and severally liable for these costs.

9. Photography and filming in the BOSSARD Arena: Photography and filming require the prior written consent of the ECC. During the course of the event, photographs or video recordings may be made by the ECC or the organizer for advertising purposes or for use in social media. By purchasing a ticket, the visitor consents to these recordings.

10. To the extent no deviating agreements are stipulated in these general terms and conditions, the provisions of Swiss Code of Obligations apply.

11. Furthermore, the stadium regulations of the BOSSARD Arena, the regulations of the Swiss Ice Hockey Federation, and the currently applicable rules for attending matches apply.

12. The event attendees acknowledge Zug as the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes. // EVZ Management AG, March 2022

Terms and Conditions - Ticket Insurance

Note: The following information applies to ticket purchases up to and including 31.10.2024. Please contact if you wish to request a refund for ticket purchases from 01.11.2024 onwards. Should the EVZ offer ticket insurance again, we will inform you here. (Status November, 2024)

For a risk-free ticket purchase, you can utilize the ticket refund program offered by JM Marketing Ltd., represented by Ltd. You can safeguard yourself in case you are unable to attend our event for insured reasons.

Detailed information regarding the terms and conditions of the ticket refund program can be found at

Terms of Use - EVZ Free WiFi

1. General

EVZ Management AG (EVZ) offers its customers wireless internet access in the BOSSARD Arena ("EVZ Free"). The EVZ Free WiFi is operated by EVZ itself and selected contractual partners. These terms of use for EVZ Free WiFi ("Terms of Use") regulate the use of EVZ Free WiFi. The Terms of Use are considered accepted when EVZ grants the customer access to the internet via EVZ Free WiFi based on a successful registration by the customer.

2. Applicable Contract Provisions 

The contract for the use of EVZ Free WiFi is established between the customer and EVZ. These terms of use apply in addition to the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and the privacy policies of EVZ. These can be viewed at

2.1 Internet Access and Registration: EVZ provides its customers with internet access in the BOSSARD Arena through EVZ Free WiFi, which can be used by the customer after a successful login using commonly used Wi-Fi-enabled devices in Switzerland. EVZ also provides the interface necessary for registration to EVZ Free WiFi, where the customer can manually sign up for internet access using the information and confirmations requested by EVZ.

2.2 Limitations: EVZ provides EVZ Free WiFi within its technical, operational, and economic capabilities. In this regard, EVZ explicitly disclaims any warranty for availability, trouble-free operation, data transmission quality, or minimum bandwidth. Internet access may also be subject to restrictions due to legal requirements. In particular, EVZ reserves the right to block certain services or websites at its discretion at any time. In the case of excessive use by a customer, EVZ may limit the bandwidth for the customer or exclude the customer from EVZ Free WiFi.

2.3 Security: Internet access via EVZ Free WiFi is intended for private use and is typically unsecured or only weakly secured. EVZ explicitly points out that any standardized encryption technologies provided between the device and EVZ Free WiFi offer only weak protection against third-party access. Therefore, securing the connection using appropriate technologies is solely the responsibility of the customer.

2.4 Costs: The use of EVZ Free WiFi is free for EVZ customers. However, usage fees and costs may be incurred when using websites, services, etc., from third parties. Such usage fees and costs are to be borne by the customer, and EVZ disclaims any liability for them.

3. Customer Responsibilities

3.1 Registration Procedure: Registration for EVZ Free WiFi is done through login using an email address. If personal information is required for registration, the customer is obligated to provide truthful information.
3.2 Lawful Use: The customer undertakes to use EVZ Free WiFi appropriately and exclusively in accordance with these terms of use for private use. In particular, the customer commits to refrain from any unlawful or criminal activities using EVZ Free WiFi. Prohibited actions include, but are not limited to, accessing, downloading, or providing (directly or indirectly through links) pornographic, violent, or racist content, or violating intellectual property rights (e.g., through the use of peer-to-peer or similar networks or platforms for the purpose of offering, downloading, transmitting, etc., copyrighted content such as music, videos, movies, e-books, etc.). The responsibility for publications on the internet and their content lies solely with the customer.
In the event of a breach of this clause, the customer will indemnify EVZ from any claims that third parties may assert against EVZ and compensate EVZ for all costs incurred as a result of this contract violation.
3.3 Responsibility for Usage: The customer uses EVZ Free WiFi and the publicly accessible internet at their own risk. The customer acknowledges that EVZ cannot provide any warranty or liability for content or services on third-party websites. The customer is solely responsible for protecting their device, used to access EVZ Free WiFi, and their information and data. Protective measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, VPN software, or encryption may make it difficult for unauthorized third parties to access the network connection and data. The customer implements such protective measures themselves. The customer is solely responsible for any damage to their hardware or software, data loss, or other forms of loss attributable to the use of EVZ Free WiFi, unless the event causing the damage was caused by intentional or grossly negligent behavior on the part of EVZ. If disruptions or damage to EVZ's facilities or third parties occur due to insufficient measures to prevent unauthorized interventions by external systems or the spread of computer viruses during the use of EVZ Free WiFi by customers, EVZ may suspend its service provision without prior notice and reserves the right to claim damages incurred.

4. Transfer & Use of Personal Data

EVZ commits not to disclose the data to third parties. However, the customer allows EVZ to analyze the data for marketing purposes and deliver personalized offers to the customer.

If there is reasonable suspicion of illegal and/or contractual misuse, a personalized analysis of the personal data available to EVZ may be carried out upon request by the competent authorities. EVZ may also disclose a user's personal data to third parties if necessary to enforce claims. Furthermore, EVZ must comply with any legal monitoring and reporting obligations.

5. Liability

EVZ disclaims, to the extent permitted by law, any liability for direct or indirect damages arising from the use of EVZ Free WiFi.

6. Applicable Law, Jurisdiction

These terms of use are subject to substantive Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zug.

EVZ Management AG, September 2018


General sponsor
Zuger Kantonalbank
Main sponsors
Binelli Group