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Boys Hockey School Young Bulls

The headlines belong to the professionals in the National League. But the basis for success is formed by the children at the Young Bulls hockey school!

The hockey school is the basis of the entire training pyramid. It leads the four- to eight-year-old ice hockey boys through the entry level to junior sport, from there to competitive sport and finally to professional sport. The percentage of players who make it to the top is small: if two to three juniors per year make it to the National League, this is considered a success in the industry. "For the training pyramid to work, we need to have as broad a base as possible. The greater the input at the bottom, the greater the output at the top," sports director Reto Kläy regularly emphasizes when talking about the importance of training the youngest players.

General information

The hockey school is an offer for children aged 4 to 8 years (born 2016-2020) and is run by an expert. Insurance is the responsibility of the participants. Please complete the online registration form in advance and print out the "PDF material" to take with you. The Boys Hockey School for the 2019/2020 age group takes place from 5 - 5:45 p.m. and for the 2016 - 2018 age group from 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. in the BOSSARD Arena. The meeting point is at the main entrance of the BOSSARD Arena. The number of participants in the hockey school is limited.

Dates 2024/25

23.10.2024 | Start hockey school
03.11.2024 | Special: EVZ Familientag
13.11.2024 | no hockey school
04.12.2024 | no hockey school
18.12.2024 | no hockey school
25.12.2024 | no hockey school
01.01.2024 | no hockey school
15.01.2024 | no hockey school
01.03.2024 | Closing tournament

Additional date:
21.10.2024 - 7 p.m. | Online info evening hockey school

In March 2025, the final Young Bulls tournament will take place in the BOSSARD Arena.  An additional registration is required for this, the relevant information will follow by email after registration.


- Skates, stick, helmet and gloves are obligatory
- Helmet and gloves can be borrowed from EVZ
- Leg and elbow pads recommended, training kit will be provided
- Training kit will be provided - Deposit CHF 50.00


The field hockey school is free of charge. Only the ice rink entrance fee of CHF 3.50 must be paid on site at the entrance.

Insurance is the responsibility of the participants.


Bruna Ertürk
Head of Hockey School

Presenting partner hockeyschule young bulls

Local Partner EVZ

General sponsor
Zuger Kantonalbank
Main sponsors
Binelli Group