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EVZ is vice champion

EVZ general manager Reto Kläy is disappointed about the final loss against SC Bern and proud of the vice champion title!

With a fortunate 2:1 home victory in the fifth final game, SC Bern won the 16th championship title on Easter saturday. Same as two years ago, the EVZ had to settle for second place. General manager Reto Kläy is disappointed and proud at the same time after the 1:4 defeat in the final series.

Reto Kläy, how big is the disappointment after the lost final series?
Huge, of course. Two days before, we were still close to even the series and had still legitimate hopes for the title before the fifth final game in Berne. And then the season is suddenly over – that really hurts!

Two years ago the final series against SC Bern were lost 2:4, this time even 1:4. Nevertheless this series was more balanced, do you see it that way?
Absolutely. We were better and closer to the title than 2017 and showed a very good final series. How the team performed again after the miserable 1:2 home loss on thursday in the last game in Bern was impressive. We were allowed to hope for a turnaround until the last second, but the luck of the competition was definitely not on our side.

What made the difference?
We didn’t come to the dangerous zone in front of the opponents’ goal often and weren’t efficient enough in the end. The team from Berne was much better in the slot and colder in scoring. They always managed to score a goal in important phases, even when we were at the trigger. But the SCB was also difficult to crack, you have to admit that without any envy.

Looking back on the whole season, is the general manager also satisfied?
In any case! The whole season has confirmed that we are on the right track with our strategy. The team has become younger and wider and has continued to develop. We played well throughout the qualification and won the Cup. We showed outstanding performances in the playoffs in the quarter finals and semi finals and demanded everything from SC Bern in the final series. We can also be proud of the vice champion title, even though we were so close to our big goal. I can only congratulate the players, the coaches and the entire staff on this season’s performance!

General sponsor
Zuger Kantonalbank
Main sponsors
Binelli Group